Our local portfolio is focused on regional priorities.
From Parachute to Aspen, Colorado, the Hurst Community Initiative works with elected officials, non-elected
community leaders, nonprofits, educational institutions, immigrants, businesses, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, state agencies, community organizers, and industry innovators.
In our second three years (2023-2025), we are busy getting to know our regional needs and the professionals already working to support the community. The HCI project portfolio represents a wide range of ongoing community initiatives in various stages of concept to implementation. In some cases, HCI is taking the lead to facilitate projects and in other cases, we are simply contributing members of a much broader community effort. In this way, we're strengthening relationships, building trust, identifying gaps, and leveraging a collaborative approach to regional solutions. This helps position the Hurst Community Initiative to take the lead on future initiatives as we continue to develop HCI's long-term commitment to the region.
HCI Currently Provides Leadership & Support Focused on 4 Regional Priorities:

Economic Vitality CRVEDP.org
Colorado River Valley Economic Development Partnership (CRVEDP)
• Regional, Multi-Jurisdictional, Multi-Agency Collaborative
• Exploring Regional Strategies to Strengthen Workforce Opportunities in the CRV Region
• Working in Collaboration with the Town Managers of Parachute, Rifle, Silt, and New Castle +
Multiple State Agencies, Area Governments of Northwest Colorado (AGNC), Small Business
Development Center (SBDC), Colorado Mountain College, Garfield County, & Many Others
• HCI Serves as the Catalyst of the CRVEDP, now offering support to the Board of Directors

Housing Stability WMRHousing.org
West Mountain Regional Housing Coalition, 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
• Regional, Multi-Jurisdictional Collaborative
• Exploring Innovative Solutions to Affordability, Inventory, and Financing
• Leveraging Early Successes in Eagle County to Better Understand Regional Options
• Engaging Counties, Municipalities, Local Housing Authorities, and other Stakeholders to
Capture American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds Allocated for Regional Investment
• HCI Serves on the Community Outreach Committee Focused on Regional Engagement

Social Emotional Wellness A2P State of Play
Project Play Initiative (with Financial Support from Colorado Health Foundation)
• Regional, Multi-Agency Initiative Investigating Barriers to Local Youth from Participating in
Sports, Athletics, and Outdoor Recreational Opportunities
• 18 Month Needs Assessment Serves as a Mechanism to Work with Stakeholders to Identify
Inequities Associated with Access to Healthy Lifestyles & Community Support-Structures that
Promote Socially and Emotionally Resilient Youth and Families
• HCI Serves as the Primary Site Lead for the Project Play Initiative, Serving Aspen to Parachute